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Syrian Arab Republic - Final Regulatory Action
Carbaryl CAS number:
Date circular:

Chemical name:

Final regulatory action has been taken for the category: Pesticide

Final regulatory action: The chemical is Banned

Use or uses prohibited by the final regulatory action:

All uses as pesticide in plant protection are prohibited by the final regulatory action.

The final regulatory action was based on a risk or hazard evaluation: Yes

Summary of the final regulatory action:

The Commission on Pesticides in the Ministry of Agriculture, which includes representatives from the Ministry of State Environment Affairs, Health and Agriculture met to study the possibility to ban Carbaryl, and decided to ban the use of Carbaryl as a pesticide. The decision was based on the European Commission position to ban the use as pesticide of Carbaryl.
The text of the decision is:
The import and the use in plant protection of the pesticide Carbaryl is prohibited in all its forms and it is granted the use of this pesticide for the stocks that were imported in the country previous to the date of the decision of 9 September 2009.

The reasons for the final regulatory action were relevant to: Human health and environment

Summary of known hazards and risks to human health:

- The toxicity of breakdown products
- Potential carcinogenic properties of the active substance

Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to human health:

Elimination of risk for the health of consumers.

Summary of known hazards and risks to the environment:

- High long-term risk for insectivorous birds
- High acute risk to herbivorous mammals
- High acute and long-term risk to aquatic organisms
- High risk for beneficial arthropods (It kills various beneficial insect and crustacean species along with intended pest victims, so care must be taken when spraying where beneficial non target species are present)
- Carbaryl is acutely toxic to honeybees, destroying colonies of bees foraging in an area where the chemical has been applied.

Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to the environment:

- Reduce risk to insectivorous birds, herbivorous mammals, aquatic organisms and beneficial arthropods
- Protection of colonies of honey bees.

Date of entry into force of the final regulatory action: 09/09/2009